How I wrote a First Class in my uni Essay

Everyone wants to ace in their exams, get an A in that essay, and brandish a first class degree. While this feels like an impossible dream to live, some students still manage to get a first class in their tests. Question is, how I got First class in Uni Essays ? This entails how do they do it, and what exactly does a first class essay look like? Well, do not worry because I am about to share with you how I wrote a first class essay and aced in my campus exams.
From our understanding, a first class essay can be defined as one that is characterized by a minimum of grade seventy or seventy five percent in some institutions. To write a first class essay, three things pertaining to the essay structure are key; the introduction, main body and the conclusion. In the below paragraphs, I will break this down to make it easier to get the gist.
All essays begin with an introduction where the writer defines the key concepts and outlines what the essay will cover. The introduction acts as a gateway into the writer’s arguments and thus most readers pay more attention to it. For this course, the writer needs to grab the attention of the reader or the potential audience at this stage. The writer should define the key concepts they will use in the essay and explain their significance. It is at this stage that the writer mentions the scope of the essay and their argument.
Unfortunately, most students fail to include this portion because they consider it as repetition. It is important to include it because it prepares the reader (audience) on what to expect in the essay. Basically, the introduction should have an overall message of what the essay is about then the key points to be discussed.

After the introduction, the writer needs to work on the main body. This stage confuses most students because they tend to overlook the general ideas and the bigger picture and focus on the details. To avoid this scenario, the writer should always outline the key points in the introduction. Here is how to go about it; identify at least three key points and focus on them, devote a paragraph for each point, and be keen to work on the structure of the paragraph (watch the embedded video for more clarification).
The first sentence of each paragraph should point out the key point followed by supporting scientific evidence to back up the point. The third sentence should critically analyze the evidence provided by explaining how effective or ineffective the evidence is and if the study resulting to the evidence was reliable and valid. The concluding Sentence in each paragraph should always relate back to the prompt. Consider a sandwich, the last and the first paragraph in each paragraph should act like the bread to your sandwich while the fillings to the sandwich is the supporting scientific evidence and the critical analysis of the evidence.
One can also spice up their essay by adding diagrams and active subheadings. Diagrams provide loads of information all at a glance which makes it easier for the examiner to go thru the paper faster. They also show the examiner that the student knows what they are doing and so they are likely to give one an A. Active subheadings act as a summary of the following paragraph and thus the examiner is able to understand what the student will talk about in that paragraph even before they read it. Using diagrams and subheadings in essay writing thus can help a student score a higher grade.
Although the conclusion is equally important, the writer does not need to toil as they wonder what to write. All that is required in this section is a summary of what the essay is about and a final verdict of your claim. I like calling it a grown up version of the instruction because it does not only include a summary of what the paper is about, but also offers a verdict. Rest assured that you can apply these tips to all your essays and you will definitely see a change in your grades.
Finally and most importantly, when I got stuck I would ask tutoring help or essay editing services from SonicPapers. Using their experts and services I was able to make my essay more perfect. If you need such grades, try them!!!